
Interested and qualified persons may obtain a job description and an application by directing a letter or email of interest and inquiry to the ECSD Personnel Secretary.

If none of these positions match what you're looking for, you can send a brief statement about your skills and requirements and submit it to the general inquiries information address listed below. The next time a position opens up, we'll look for potential matches in this file before we begin a wider search.

For more information
You may send a short e-mail message describing your relevant experience or interest in the above job positions to: [email protected].

To further explore any of the opportunities mentioned, please direct you inquires to the following address:

Eureka County School District
Devanie Etchegaray, Personnel
P.O. Box 249
Eureka, NV 89316   Phone (775) 237.5373 <> Fax (775) 237.5014 email: [email protected] 

All materials will be kept in strictest confidence. Eureka County School District is an equal opportunity employer.

Note:  All email sent to the school district is scanned and filtered.  If you are inquiring via email and have not received a reply within a resonable time, please contact the personnel office via telephone.