Achievement & Accountability

Accountability Statement

Achieving this mission is a shared responsibility. The School Board, administration, teaches, and staff of Eureka County School District are responsible for providing an educational program that meets student and societal needs and follows state guidelines. All graduates of this district's academic program will have met the minimum criteria set forth in the Student Learning Goals of this Mission Statement.

Students and parents/guardians will be accountable for taking advantage of the educational opportunities and guidelines provided by this District. Taking advantage of these opportunities will ensure the success of students.

The District recognizes that the community is necessary and valuable to the success of the educational program. The District encourages individual and collective community involvement in order to achieve this mission.


Restorative Discipline Plan

School And District Discipline Plan - Posted 2024

District/Schools Accountability Report 2015

District/Schools Accountability Report 2016

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading. Objective:ECSD students will meet or exceed ELA (Reading) AYP targetsof 65.1% for elementary, 68.5% for middle school, and 86.7% for high school during SY2010-11. Goal 2: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in language arts (Writing). Objective: ECSD students will meet or exceed ELA (Writing) AYP targetsof 65.1% for elementary, 68.5% for middle school, and 86.7% for high school during SY2010-11. Goal 3: By 2013-2014, all students will reach high standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in mathematics and science. Objective: ECSD students will meet or exceed Mathematics AYP targets of 68.1% for elementary, 65.9% for middle school, and 71.3% for high school and Science proficiency targets during SY2010-11.


EES and CVES Required Posting on Class Size and Average Daily Attendance.

Assembly Bill 2, approved during the 2013 special session, requires the District to post information on the average daily attendance and class size for each of our elementary schools, as well as any variances in the prescribed student/teacher ratios granted by the State Board. Please find that information below. Questions should be directed to the District Office (775) 237-5373

ADE Certification Report NDE Q3 FY 2022
ADE Certification Report NDE Q2 FY 2022

Q2 Eureka Class Size Reduction Report FY 2022
Q3 Eureka Class Size Reduction Report FY 2022

Class Size Reduction Statement - 2020

EES/CVES Quarter 1

EES/CVES Quarter 2

EES/CVES Quarter 4 CSR Certification

Average Daily Attendance and Class Size Document Information 2014

EES/CVES Quarter 4

Eureka CSD Class Size Reduction Signed Certificate Q1 2020

Eureka CSD Class Size Reduction Signed Certificate Q2 2020

Eureka CSD Class Size Reduction Signed Certificate Q3 2021

Eureka CSD Class Size Reduction Signed Certificate Q1 2021